How We Do It - Alberta NAWMP Partnership

How We Do It

The Alberta NAWMP Partnership achieves its restoration and habitat retention goals through a broad mix of directed, science-based conservation activities, focused extension and communications endeavours, and proactive efforts to support conservation policy and legislation.

  • Led by Science

    All of our efforts have a foundation in solid scientific principles. Research and science lays the groundwork upon which our
    programs to conserve wetlands are developed and implemented. We work closely with the top waterfowl and wetland scientists
    and fund science projects related to our priorities each year.

  • Supporting Policy

    We understand how important the roles of policy and legislation are to the future of Alberta’s wetlands and associated uplands. That’s why we work with policy makers and various stakeholder groups  to understand and support  new and existing laws, policies and programs related to environmental conservation.

  • Communicating Our Successes

    Communication plays a key role in strengthening and promoting the Alberta NAWMP Partnership. That’s why we are fully engaged in communications and outreach activities that inform and challenge our partners and showcase our innovations and adaptations to the broader NAWMP community.